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Application as artist

Are you a sculptor?

And do you share our belief that bronze art is an art form steeped in tradition that is still of great significance even at the beginning of the 21st century? If so, then our foundry and Strassacker Edition is the right address for your sculptural work. Our experienced craftsmen master all the traditional cast moulds with perfection, from the sand casting method to the lost wax technique right through to the subtleties of chasing and patination, and for decades they have also been used to finding exceptional solutions for extraordinary tasks and projects.

For more than nine decades, our foundry in Süssen has been a meeting place for sculptors and plastic artists with experienced craftsmen to work together to create the extraordinary. Our references can be seen in the vast number of renowned sculptors in the Strassacker Edition. They all trust our craftsmanship, and their work is also literally in the best hands with us. Tell us about your projects and show us your models – high-quality bronze art can be created in our workshops. We are constantly in touch with artists who have significantly shaped and influenced contemporary sculpture and we are constantly in search of plastic art which, as you read these lines, is about to emerge and possibly break new, original ground.

Have we aroused your interest? If so, just fill out the following contact form or send us documentation such as exhibition catalogues or images of your works.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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