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Das Mufflon 19.800,00 €

Das Mufflon

Bronze sculpture details

Strength and weakness, aggression and fear – Balke’s mouflon shows the humans as beings poised between all the poles and opposites that determine our life.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative
Style Surrealism

Dirk Balke

In an exhibition catalogue, Dirk Balke claims a bit ironically that he has been an “oil painter” since his seventh year of life, because that was when he got his first oil-based paints.

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Bronzefigur Das Mufflon von Dirk Balke Bronzefigur Das Mufflon von Dirk Balke Bronzefigur Das Mufflon von Dirk Balke