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Der Schwätzer 2.980,00 €

Der Schwätzer

Bronze sculpture details

The promises of the chatterbox, familiar with all the gestures, expressions and other tricks of persuasion, are revealed as empty phrases by the deep imprint of the relief in the bronze block from which they seem to have sprung. Any similarity with figures of business and politics are, notes the artist, purely coincidental.

Edition in bronze, cast using the lost wax technique, chased and patinated by hand.

Kind bronze
Production technique Lost Wax Technique
Genre Figurative
Style Surrealism

Guido Messer

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1941, Messer first trained as a goldsmith attending the arts and crafts school in Pforzheim and then attended the academy of visual art in Stuttgart, studying artistic casting at the same time. In the late 1960s, he was already drawing attention for his often strongly satirical sculptures.


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Bronzefigur Der Schwätzer von Guido Messer Bronzefigur Der Schwätzer von Guido Messer Bronzefigur Der Schwätzer von Guido Messer